Heath Close - 32 Houses & Sheltered Accommodation - Planning Application 23/01519/FULL
The planning application can be found on Basildon council's ePlanning system through this link
The deadline to comment is 18 March 2024.
The deadline to comment is 18 March 2024.
Proposed site layout
Outline details
A development of 32 houses and a 30 room sheltered housing facility on land west of Heath Close, north of Billericay Town Football Club and east of Billericay Tennis Club
Access will be from Heath Close.
Public footpath (no.14) runs through the site.
Access will be from Heath Close.
Public footpath (no.14) runs through the site.
Observations and concerns
- This is Green Belt land as defined under Basildon council's saved policies.
- Housing design, scale and massing out of character with local area.
- The sheltered accommodation block is 3 storeys high and will be very close to and overlook the main football pitch and club buildings.
- All the houses are boxy with small front (street) facing balconies and stair risers to a roof top decked area. As a result they are effectively 3 storeys high.
- Light and noise pollution from adjacent football and tennis clubs will affect new residents. Both have floodlights. The football ground is used more than just match days. Could impact the more elderly in sheltered accommodation more adversely.
- Heath Close is a NHS owned private road and suffers from constant parking on one side narrowing access to the site. It is used by NHS staff daily and on football match days.
- Insufficient parking (20 places) for 30 sheltered accommodation properties and visitors. Potential parking overspill into Heath Close and Tye Common Road.
- Poor housing mix. No 1 or 2 bedrooms on open market for you people or young families. There is an acute shortage of first time buyer starter property.
- Sheltered accommodation is for the over 60s only. They will be living independently and many will own cars. It’s not a care home!
- No affordable housing due to financial viability reasons. The sheltered accommodation does not make up for this.
- Is there a proven need for more private sheltered accommodation in the area?
- Public footpath 14 will need to be re-positioned.
- Unsustainable location being c.20 minutes to nearest schools and health facilities (assuming they have capacity). Short journey car use inevitable onto the already busy Tye Common Road where standing traffic at the Heath Close junction is commonplace.
- No public transport on Tye Common Road (the very infrequent 256 bus service ceases July 2024).
- Very little public open space within the development. No obvious children’s play facilities. Nearest at Queen Elizabeth II Field (Sun Corner) 20 minutes walk requiring crossing a busy main road.
- At least 15 trees (mainly oak) will been removed to allow development, together with well established scrub.
- The application clearly states that there will be a significant habitat loss (63%) and the total loss of a pond and therefore the development cannot deliver a biodiversity net gain.
- Whilst the flora of the site has been appraised there is no clear survey of fauna (mammals, reptiles or birds). As the site has been largely untouched for many years it is likely to provide habitat for many species.
- An isolated parcel of Green Belt land will be left immediately north of the site. That is poor planning which should be avoided. It could prompt additional Green Belt release.
- All in all an inappropriate location for the proposed scale of residential development due to limited access and proximity of sports clubs.
Submitting a comment or objection
The deadline to comment is 18 March 2024.
You can submit comments and objections online using Basildon Council's ePlanning system or by email.
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You can submit comments and objections online using Basildon Council's ePlanning system or by email.
Please see our help page;
Planning Application Help