- 2,700 houses at the expense of hundreds of acres of irreplaceable Green Belt open land
- Around a 25% increase in the Billericay population – that’s 25% more commuters, more cars, more school children, more shoppers and more people looking for health facilities or somewhere to park
- A £60M so called ‘Relief Road’ with no clearly defined benefits other than supporting development and with undocumented adverse effects on traffic in other parts of the town; money that could be better used to improve Billericay and the wider Borough
- No guarantees of improved infrastructure to sustain the proposed level of development.
Whilst we appreciate the need for more housing, this far exceeds our local needs, and with local house prices running at a ratio of over 10 times average earnings these houses will be unaffordable to most residents, especially first-time buyers and young families who desperately need somewhere to live. It is a fallacy that more houses means cheaper houses.
Furthermore, with key infrastructure already at breaking point today, such as train capacity, car parking, primary education and health facilities, the significant increase in the population is going to make living in Billericay more difficult for existing as well as new residents. It will adversely affect everyone in Billericay, not just those living next to one of the new developments.
Before Billericay is concreted over forever, we call upon residents to voice their concerns via the Regulation 19 Public Consultation on the soundness of the Plan, which we expect to start soon after Basildon Council’s 18th October meeting. We must ensure, in this last chance for ordinary residents to question this bad plan, that we clearly demonstrate the strength and depth of opposition and influence what we hope will be a better outcome when the plan goes before the Government’s Planning Inspector early next year.
Soundness covers 4 key areas;
- Has the plan been positively prepared?
- Is it justified and based upon real evidence?
- Will it be effective in delivering what it sets out to?
- Is it consistent with national policy?
Time is running out for our beloved town. We call upon all concerned residents to join us and to make their voices heard.
Billericay Action Group