We will not now see their final draft Local Plan until July 2017 at the earliest, at which time the Regulation 19 Consultation will begin. Unlike previous Consultations we will not be invited to comment upon the proposed content of the Local Plan and its impact upon our town. Instead we will be commenting upon its Soundness.
For a Plan to be Sound it must meet the following criteria (based upon the relevant sections of the National Planning Policy Framework.)
‘Positively prepared – the plan should be based on a strategy which attempts to meet the Borough’s objectively assessed need for homes, jobs and infrastructure where it is reasonable to do so and consistent with achieving sustainable development. If appropriate any unmet requirements from neighbouring authorities should be included, but other authorities can be asked to assist by taking development which our own Borough cannot address.
Justified – the plan should be based upon a credible and robust evidence base;
Effective – the plan should be able to deliver what it claims is needed during its timescale;
and be
Consistent with national policy – primarily the National Planning Policy Framework.’
We’ll be providing more detail on how you can respond to this latest, and last, public Consultation soon.